
Janet Moore


Janet Moore recently relocated from Ontario to Western Canada and the move has awakened her creative mind. Janet’s interests include hiking, mountain/road biking and snowboarding and are often the subject of her colourful paintings. Depending on how she is feeling about the subject matter at the time, Janet paints in either oil or acrylic. Not always in the studio, Janet can be found painting en plein air, which simply means painting outdoors, hoping to achieve a loose impression of the landscape. Janet also enjoys drawing the human figure, striving to capture the feeling of the postures. Portraits are another passion, aiming not only to get a likeness of a person but also convey their personality and even their mood.

Janet is currently discovering and inspired by the beauty of the majestic mountains, the vibrant blue-green waters and the golden-yellow larches that the Rocky Mountains have to offer. With the use of texture and colour, she strives to express emotions through her artwork.


Patrick Markle


Pat Moore